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How Can We Help You?

If you are ready to talk to us about a concern, you have the option to connect with us confidentially, to get support and learn more about your options, which may include filing a formal complaint. We encourage you to choose the pathway that feels most comfortable for you. 

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Meet The Team

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Tawny Rodriguez

Title IX Coordinator
419-525-6400 ext. 1017


Mark Wilcheck

Title IX Compliance Officer
419-525-6400 ext. 1002

Andrea Moyer

Title IX Compliance Officer
419-525-6400 ext 1004

The Mansfield City Schools Title IX Coordinator and Officers serve in a neutral role and supports all members of the Mansfield City Schools Community. The Title IX Team have specialized training and experience in responding to disclosures of sexual and gender-based harassment.

The Title IX Program Team can:

  • Provide information about available resources

  • Help arrange supportive measures, including: 

    • Course-related adjustments​

    • Schedule adjustments

    • Leaves of absence

    • Increased monitoring

  • Facilitate informal resolution, as appropriate, between the involved parties if both parties agree, with the goal of reachinga  mutually agreeable resolution

  • Provide information on applicable policies and procedures

  • Provide information about the formal complain process


Formal compalints against Mansfield City Schools students, and staff can be submitted to the MCS Title IX Coordinator. 

Any information is considered confidential, and the Title IX Team will handle any informaton that is provided with the utmost discretion and sensitivity and will share it with othera only on a need-to-know basis.

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