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District Forms

Mansfield City School & FinalForms


Mansfield City Schools uses FinalForms, an online data management service for our District enrollment. FinalForms allows you to enroll students, and keep their information up-to-date.


You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.

If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom of any FinalForms page and click “Use Support”.


We are asking that ALL parents use FinalForms.

Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes at Mansfield City Schools


Parent registration for CURRENT STUDENTS

Note: If your student is NEW to the district (preschoolers/kindergarteners and transfers), please follow the directions for registering a student.


How do I get started?


1. Check your email for an ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION EMAIL from FinalForms Mailman. Once received and opened, click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email text. 


2. Create your new FinalForms password. Next, click CONFIRM ACCOUNT.


3. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in. 


4. Locate and click the INCOMPLETE FORMS button for the student you wish to register. ​


5. If your student plans to participate in a sport, then click the checkbox for each. Then, click UPDATE after making your selection. 


6. Complete each form and sign your full name (i.e. 'Jonathan Smith') in the parent signature field on each page. After signing each,  move on to the next form.


7. When all forms are complete, you will see a  "Submit Forms" button.


How do I register additional students?

Click  MY STUDENTS. Then, repeat steps number 3 through number 7 for each additional student. 


How do I update information?

Log in at any time and click UPDATE FORMS to update information for any student. 


School Forms  

Handbooks & Forms



G.E.A.R. U.P.


Athletic Forms & Resources




School Health Services Forms & Resources



Community Forms



Bid Opportunities

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