Transportation Department
"We are dedicated to providing safe, efficient pupil transportation services to the students of our district."
Citations for Misbehavior
Parents will receive a written notification that their child has violated a bus rule. The Transportation Department will not be responsible for write-ups not given to the parent by the student.
The driver will fill out a Citation for Citation Violation and give it to the student. It will tell what the child has done and will include one of the following:
1st Violation - Written notification to the parents that there has been a problem.
No punishment will be given unless there has been a major infraction violation, such as fighting, giving a false name or no name at all, horseplay, smoking, and/or vandalizing the bus, which will result in a 5-day suspension from riding privileges. This does not excuse the student from school attendance.
2nd Violation - As above, except that the student may be suspended from any bus for 1-day.
3rd Violation - As above, except that the students shall be suspended from any bus for 3-days.
4th Violation - As above except that the student shall be suspended from any bus for 5-days.
5th Violation - As above, except that the student shall be suspended from any bus for 6-10 days.
When a student has reached the maximum suspension from the bus, the principal and or transportation supervisor will determine rider-ship.
Parents must sign the citation and the students must return it to the driver before the student will be permitted back on the bus.
We urge parents to talk to their children and help them understand how very important it is that the bus be orderly, for their own and the safety of others. The driver needs to give his full attention to driving the bus and should not be distracted by unruly and misbehaving children.
Extra Rider Procedures
At times we realize that your student might need to get on or off at a different stop or have a friend go home with them. Should this be the situation the following procedure must be followed or transportation will be denied. Requests may also be denied based on over crowded busses.
1. Call the transportation office for approval.
2. Two notes written and signed by a parent stating name of student and where student is to get on or off. One for the driver and one for the school office.
Emergency Evacuations
Emergency Evacuation drills will be held at least once annually. Treating these as actual emergencies will help students know what to do in case of a real emergency. Your fullest cooperation is a must, as the driver has many responsibilities during these times and it could mean a life or death situation.
A. Pupils should stay on the bus until told otherwise by proper authorities.
B. Stay calm, quiet and remain seated.
C. Follow the directions of the driver.
D. When you are told to leave the bus, do so quickly and quietly. Walk to the indicated place of safety and stay together.
School Closings
Each year there is a possibility that the schools will be forced to close for such emergencies as bad weather, equipment failures, etc. In such cases, the transportation supervisor will notify radio stations, who will start broadcasting the announcement at about 6:15 AM. If you have access to a computer you can visit for school closures and delays.
It is highly recommended that parents make advance arrangements with neighbors or relatives so that their child will have care in case school is closed and the parents are not at home. Parents should provide drivers written instructions, if different from normal procedures for early dismissal situations.
Contact Us
Deborah Rickert
Transportation Supervisor
P: 419-525-6303
F: 419-525-6335
Josh Cantu
Transportation Supervisor - In Training
P: 419-525-6303
F: 419-525-6335
Deborah Owens
Transportation Clerk
P: 419-525-6303
F: 419-525-6335