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What We do

The Maintenance Department staff includes building custodians and district maintenance workers. The maintenance and custodial staff are responsible for the daily maintenance of 9 buildings and the grounds throughout the district. Some of the smaller construction projects needed through the re-districting of our schools have been completed by the maintenance. They also moved the contents of the two elementary buildings, one middle school and the Central Office and Special Education departments to their new locations.

Facilities Department Forms

Our Mission

We will create and sustain a nurturing environment with opportunities and resources that promote student learning.

Our Vision 

We envsion a positive, creative and safe learning environment where all stakeholders take ownership of the learning process to succeed in a global society


Contact Us


Robert Booth

Contact Me:


419-525-6400 ext. 4009


Facilities Manager


Nancy Gallaway

Contact Me:


419-525-6400 ext. 4009


Executive Assistant: Facilities

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